
  • CHA Resolution

    Resolution with source tray rolled out.

  • CHA Resolution

    Resolution with flip fixturing, roll out source tray and chip changer.

  • CHA Resolution

    Resolution with door closed with chip changer screen pivoted.

The CHA Resolution features hinged front and rear doors, new chamber and frame design with two position mounting for standard and low profile configurations, adjustable friction lock to maintain door position, new valve body design.

New software and hardware designed automation features Siemens Personal Computer with a 15" TFT touch screen monitor running XP operating system, Siemens Programmable Line Controller running S7, WinCC application and Human Machine Interface with manual, automatic, data logging, barcode, chamber leak back rate test, password and access level, systems diagnostic, Profibus, Ethernet and USB communication.

  • Dual Operation, Sputtering and Evaporation
  • Moving substrates
  • Exceptional Film Uniformity (Fixture Dependent)
  • Sputter Up
  • Process Stations
    • Round Cathodes, RF or DC (Up to 4 Stations)
    • Co-deposit
    • Bias, RF or DC
    • Substrate heating, 400°C, multi-element
    • Substrate heating, station
    • Electron beam
    • Thermal
    • Sputter etching
    • Ion beam pre-clean/etch
    • Plasma texturing/etch

  • Power Supply Options
    • Electron beam, 6-10-15 kW
    • Sputtering, 1-3-5-15-30 KW
    • Heater, 6-10-16 kW
    • Thermal deposition, 1-5-10 kW

  • Process Chamber
    • Insitu spectrophotometer
    • Drop well source
    • Easy access to front and rear door
    • Variable source-to-substrate distance
    • Variable port locations, observation port(s) and RGA port
    • Process chamber dimensions: 26" x 26"
    • Web roll coating
    • Web roll loading/unloading trolley
    • Process chamber dimensions: 32" x 32"

  • Deposition Fixturing
    • Adjustable angle planet, standard
    • Rotating disk, optional
    • Rotating dome, optional
    • Flat planetary, 3 or 4, optional
    • Web roll with precision drive
    • Shutter(s), flag

  • Pumping Stack
    • Dry or oil sealed roughing
    • Regeneration options
    • Famous right angle pumping/plumbing
    • Exceptional pumping performance
    • Large refrigeration vapor pumping options
    • Mechanical pump, minimum CFM
    • Molecular sieve trap
    • Cold trap LN2, 25L pump trap, optional water pump
    • LN2 level control
    • Ionization gauge control
    • Gas controls

  • Pumping Options
    • Cryo
    • Turbo
    • Diffusion

  • Ultimate Vacuum
    • System 10 -9 Torr
    • Chamber 10 -8 Torr

  • Cryo Coil
    • 50,000 L/Sec. pumping speed for water vapor and other condensable gases in the process chamber

  • Utilities
    • Water Supply, 10 GPM
    • Air supply, 85-125 PSIG

  • Footprint
    • 79.5" W x 64" D x 78.5" H (with ISO source add 21" H)