SSC 1000 Sputtering System incorporates up or down
sputtering operation and multi-substrate rotating fixture.
High Vacuum Deposition Systems
The SSC-1000 (10") Sputtering System incorporates upper and lower base plates for sputter up or sputter down operation. Base plates move out of cabinet doors allow for through-the-wall mounting of the system.
- Accessibility: Substrates and stations are accessible from the top or bottom of the process chamber. Lower baseplate swings out for access through cabinet doors. Upper baseplate is elevated for substrate access and may be rotated outward for station access.
- Up to four DC or RF round cathodes
- Single plane, multi-substrate rotating fixture and a rotating shutter for pre-deposition and positive thickness cutoff control
- 10-inch pumping stack components
- Built-in electronics rack assembly located alongside the chamber access doors contains all system controls
- Computer automation
For more details, download the Sputtering By Design PDF (4.4MB).